There is a highly likely possibility that the year 2024 will be rather nuts. Nation will rise against nation. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Earthquakes, famines, pestilence and other troublesome plots hatched by the globalist elites. Not to mention the US elections and all of the combustable baggage that surrounds that. Probably something with UFO’s too.
Nonetheless, 2024 is anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi, the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is ruling and reigning now. As in right now, in this year, as He was during last year, as He will be in the years to come.
We should often be reminded of this. So perhaps we should do something to remind ourselves. You could even make it a New Year’s resolution. Let’s recover the habit of referencing Anno Domini in our every day usage of the year. Let us not use it to merely distinguish between BC or (God help us) CE, but to remind ourselves of—and to declare to others—the Lord Jesus Christ’s ever present rule and reign over all things, and that our hope is in Him.
Whenever you happen to have an opportunity to refer to the year 2024, simply add AD to the front of it. On all of your checks, documents, reports—on anything you might date, attach that AD. Develop the habit to use it unironically in your every day speech. Say, “AD 2024” or “The year of our Lord 2024” and mean it.
That simple addition—so obvious and familiar, yet just strange sounding enough to us for common use—might just be enough of a jolt to help us continually remember that Christ is ruling and reigning in 2024 and that nothing, no matter how nutty it gets, will take Him by surprise, nor will anyone or anything usurp His power or position.
That is a hopeful thought indeed.
Amen, Thanks for this! Had some thoughts about the phrase Anno Domini here that kinda connects: