I composed a liturgy last Halloween for my children and my nephews and nieces before we set out to trick-or-treat.
I give it to you. A treat.
As you and your family and friends prepare to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night, try this. Just before the main event, with everyone in full costume, candy bags in hand, gather together in the living room, front porch, or driveway and pass out a copy of this liturgy1 to the participants (A PDF is provided at the end).
Plain text for the Leader, bold text for everyone.
A Liturgy for Trick-or-Treating
We have gathered here on this Holy Evening in joy and sweet anticipation
to show forth the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ
over the Powers of Darkness.
We will soon venture forth, unafraid, into the night
To get that candy!
A picture of God’s children plundering the pagans,
Of the Son of God despoiling the powers and principalities.
By his cross Christ has triumphed over the rulers and authorities
And tonight, we participate with our Lord
Making a public spectacle of the Forces of Darkness.
Though they hate and rage and plot against Christ and his people,
What does our Lord, enthroned in heaven, do?
[Everyone laughs!]
Bless us, O Lord, as we Trick or Treat
Give us merry strength and hearty endurance for our holy romp
Bless our neighbors for the kindness of their treats
And sanctify the mischief of our playful tricks.
Now be gone, foul demons!
Away with you, witches!
Tremble, all you creatures of darkness!
For this night is hallowed!
And we are children of the King!
We will not fear the darkness
for Christ is the Light!
We will not fear the grave
for Christ has harrowed Hades!
We will not fear death
for Christ is risen from the dead!
Death is swallowed up in victory
O Death, where is your victory?
O Death, where is your sting?
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Be sure to download the PDF!)
So you have issues with mixing Christianity and Halloween, do you? Well here’s another treat. Check out Josh Robinson’s piece Christians and Halloween: The Lordship of Christ Over The Seasons